hey cunt?
your fucking messing with the wrong people!
how about i fucking kidnap you and shave your fucking head you fat piece of lard!!!
your a stoopid inbred fuck! seriously, the only place your going is straight to hell faggot,
god doesnt accept A
AID carrying fatards like you, you dirty ass cunt!
and believe me,
im going places! straight to pussy town!
...with the rest of normal un-infested men in this world that the good lord created!
ur fucking disgusting! i fucking hate you! ur a sick and twisted pervert that needs to be shot in the face!!!
you should have been put down as a pup, you labradoodle fuck!
your nothing but a messenger from hell, carrying STDs to spread throughout gods semi-healthy earth!fucken, your so stretched out that you could sit on [name removed] and swallow that fat goth bitch whole with your gaping ass!
btw your heaps gross, i hate your fucking lisp!
Oh GAWD I miss hearing these "threats" get thrown around back in early high school! This wasn't addressed to me in any fashion, by the way; it was sent to my sister's friend (who is homosexual) from some dude who was supposedly friends with my sister's friend - and to top it off, this dude apparently was gay or something, but now he's ranting on about getting pussy. lolz.
I especially love the "labradoodle" touch he added there. Never heard that one before. But then again, how could anyone compete with someone who's going "straight to pussy town!"?
-Jello out.