Managed to buy a PS3 with my Christmas moniez$ plus gig earnings. Yay! I also got a copy of LittleBigPlanet with the system, which I am very, very happy with. To add to that, I also bought Resistance: Fall of Man and Metal Gear Solid 4. Merry Christmas, indeed.
I had what was quite possibly my best New Years ever. It was spent with some very good friends of mine from the brass band I'm in (K&N Spring Gully Brass, represent!) at my Aunt & Uncle's house that I'd been house-sitting. Thanks guys, for a great turn of the year!
A few weeks into January - not long after I'd finished my new PS3 games - I found myself very bored. And since I still had a few more weeks to go until the house-sitting was over, I borrowed all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls from my sister. Hell. Yes.
Unfortunately, I only got up to the end of season five by the time my Aunty and Uncle got back, and am currently up to the last episode of disc three of season 6. I have to say, the last episode of season four and pretty much all of season five are my favourite episodes (especially 'You Jump, I Jump, Jack'). Though, it's sad to say, I'm a little sad knowing that Lorelai and Luke break up, and that I'll eventually end up finding out why and how...
A friend from high school had her nineteenth birthday not long ago. It was really great seeing her again - and knowing that she's still pretty much the same as I remember her. It was also the first time I'd gone out and actually enjoyed it in a long time - I can't wait 'til Uni starts back up so I can hang out with more friends in Town. I've also decided to drink a little more, since I very rarely ever drink. Time to be a big boy.
On this passed Monday I moved back home after house-sitting for three months. Upon doing this, I completely re-organised my bedroom, making it so much more open and spacious. Now I can finally play my games (especially the Wii) and watch movies a lot more comfortably.
And speaking of comfort (or lack of), most of Australia had another massive heatwave, apparently breaking another umpteenth-year record. Some how, for the last four or five years, we have managed to have "the hottest x amount of days" in 100 years. Either the media and the people who believe it are just retarded, or in a few more years, we're all fucked.
And last, but not least, just a couple of hours ago I finished watching Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, and holy shit, it was freakin' brilliant. For a short 43-minute movie, it does a lot. And the music is great. I was a wee bit disappointed with the ending, only because it was very sad and finished without really saying much. But oh well. It was still awesome.
I have to say, I love Neil Patrick Harris's work. The characters he play are always hilarious - especially since he's very good at playing a sleazy, horny, straight guy in How I Met Your Mother, considering he's, you know, gay.
And on that note, I recommend you all go watch Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. And How I Met Your Mother. And Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. And Starship Troopers 1.
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